Pictures don’t do the trick in marketing anymore because your regular customer is getting more finicky each year.

Consumers prefer watching to reading and video is a great tool for telling a story in an understandable and time-efficient way. For some types of products 3D animation, you can do this even better and faster.

Keep reading to learn the 5 reasons why 3D animation beats 3D images and why to consider using it for your product marketing efforts!


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What is 3D Animation?

3D animation offers three-dimensional moving objects that are placed into a digital environment. This allows the viewer to see your product not only from the outside and inside but also from all different angles.

Using 3D animation will help you to catch your potential customer’s attention and allow them to see your product in detailed action before they decide to purchase it.

A 3D animation can also come in handy when you have a new product that is still in development but you would like to show it to your potential clients and investors already.

What is 3D Imaging?

3D imaging creates a three-dimensional image on a flat surface. That is done by combining two flat images that human eyes see separately and that creates a visual illusion. The brain combines the two images into a single image and by that creates the illusion of depth in the image.

3D imaging is often used to create photorealistic images of products. These images are then used for sales presentations, product catalogs, and e-Commerce websites where your products can be showcased. 3D imaging can be also used by interior designers, where 3D imaging helps their clients to imagine how the room and furniture will look in real life.

Similarities between 3D Animation and 3D Imaging

Both of these concepts can be used for product visualisation as they give you a chance to see the product from different angles. The key benefit of these concepts is that they help to make the viewer feel like they are in a digital room looking at your product.

Both concepts are also used for product improvement. If there are any changes that need to be done along the way of your development process, it is simply easier (and cheaper) to first apply the changes to a 3D animation or 3D image instead of applying the change directly to the physical product.

And as last similarity worth mentioning is the fact that a 3D product animation and 3D product imaging will help you highlight the important features and elements of your product.
3D animation highlights features

Key Differences Between 3D Animation and 3D Imaging

Even though it can seem that these concepts are very similar there are some crucial differences that set 3D animation and 3D imaging apart.

3D animations have a flow of movement and the viewer can see your products in action while by 3D imaging the products are still and the viewer needs to move around manually. Moving environment allows viewers to interact with your product more interactively.

The same goes for immersing your customers. Both concepts can create an atmosphere that makes the viewer really immerse but for a sales presentation, it is better to use animated visuals, since it helps the viewer to perceive the atmosphere better.

5 Reasons Why 3D Animation Beats 3D Imaging

1. Engagement

Creating a video ad for Google or Facebook might not be your first idea when you are thinking about creating ads for these platforms. Biteable has shared their statistics where they tried to compare the performance of an image ad versus a video ad.

The video ad has generated 480% more clicks than the image ad as well as 25% more So even though a video ad might seem a more expensive option in the beginning by comparing the return on investment it might be a cheaper option for you.

2. More efficient messaging 

With video marketing, you can provide answers that will help viewers make an informed choice. You can show your product from multiple angles, the inner workings, how it comes apart, functionalities, etc. A good product video can even offer a quick tutorial on how to use your product. Images can offer this only partially as they can’t offer the whole flow process of showing your product from different angles, taking it apart, and the effects of different functionalities. 

Simply said, you can deliver a lot of information with videos and get your prospects to pay attention.

3. Trust 

Did you know that customers are more likely to purchase products and services from companies they have trust in? Therefore it is a good idea to launch a campaign about what your company does and educate your customers about it.

Video is a better tool to use to show the world what your brand and product are about as a video creates space for a more authentic connection with your audience.

4. Animations can help reduce support calls.

The better people understand your product, the more likely they are to figure it out themselves. Therefore explainer and demo videos are a great way to go. So instead of long written guides, we would recommend you to have a short video that would walk your customer step-by-step through setting up the product they have purchased from you.

5. You can get more mileage from an animation 

You can repurpose an animation and use it in a variety of ways and for multiple channels. One can create versions of varying lengths for various purposes. From YouTube, social media, product pages, and presentations, a 3D animation video can be broken up into chapters for a series of emails and you can even create still images from it for brochures, websites, emails, posters, social media content, etc.