3D Instruction Animation

PDF instruction manuals are generally not developed for use on mobile devices in mind. Give your customers a better experience with 3D animated instructional videos, while also saving you time and money on fewer support calls.
Example 1
damixa installation
Example 2
damixa setup
Example 3
telia example

Many companies have assembly, installation and maintenance instructions for their products accessible or downloadable from their website in PDF format.
The PDF was developed by Adobe Systems back in 1993 and was certainly never developed for use on mobile devices.
Engineers, technicians, construction worker, etc. rarely have a laptop within reach when interacting with your product on a factory floor, construction site and whenever they need instruction. They carry mobile devices. So, move with the times and convert your old PDF instruction manuals to easy to understand 3D product animations.

3D animation is the most efficient way to demonstrate how to install, assemble and maintain. Not only more effective than PDFs, but also as vide as you can see and read in our blog posts Video vs. 3D Animation: The 10 Second Challenge and 5 Reasons Why 3D Animation Beats Video

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