Content Marketing

High quality visual content is vital for B2B, manufacturing and industrial companies to stand out from the competition, drive growth and increase marketshare.
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Lead Generation

Premium visual content and the right marketing strategies will bring leads to your business. We have years of experience creating tailored content for various digital marketing channels to optimize lead generation.


Bringing in leads is important, but in the end, it’s all about getting quality conversions. Which in turn translate into actual sales tools that boost growth and revenue.

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Customer Retention

Once you’ve got that sale, you want to keep your customers loyal. PinkSquare provides solutions that will keep them returning again and again.

Video Marketing

Video marketing is one of the most effective tools in the world of digital marketing. It provides video and audio elements telling the whole story.

  • It is beneficial in increasing learning and offers a more memorable experience for the viewer. It drives engagement that promotes conversations. The visual aspect of video makes it easy for consumers to understand exactly how a product works and the benefits it offers.

Additionally, video is sharable across a wide variety of platforms including the web and social media channels. This makes it a cost-effective marketing option.


Account Based Marketing
Account based marketing is a B2B marketing tool that involves marketing and sales teams working together to reach their goals.

  • This approach allows marketers to come up with personalized messages that appeal to consumers.
  • It nurtures all prospects simultaneously to shorten the sales cycle.
  • It aligns sales and marketing to create seamless transactions across both departments. It traces marketing efforts directly to sales for a clearer picture of ROI.
SEO & Web Development
Your website will be the first point of contact for many prospective clients, and you want to make a great first impression. PinkSquare can work with you to develop a website that is easy to navigate and easy for clients to use.

  • The site will be optimized with a strong branding message, engaging content and quick load times.
  • It will be designed to keep users on your page longer making for the foundations of a trusting relationship and increased conversions.

SEO is a major component of a good web site design. It plays a key role in getting your business to the top of search engine pages. With algorithms constantly changing, it can be difficult to determine what search engines are currently looking for, but PinkSquare is on top of the latest trends. We will make sure your website is optimized with alt tags, keywords, internal and external links and more.

Online Sales Tools
Online sales tools are digital sales tools that can be used to manage customer relationships (CRMs), sales intelligence, analytics, gamifications, video conferencing, marketing automation, customer service software and e-signatures. They help businesses determine their target audience and reach out to them using the most effective strategies. They reduce time consuming administrative tasks. What’s more, companies that aren’t updated with the best online tools may risk missing out on sales.  
Other Sales-Strategies
Conversions will also increase with a well-developed website, virtual showrooms and the use of 3D product animation videos. PinkSquare will optimize your web site and provide virtual showrooms and 3D product animation that allows users to get a real shopping experience and make smart purchasing decisions.
Virtual Showrooms
Virtual showrooms are an effective B2B sales solution.

  • Beyond simply showing products, these showrooms offer a 3D format that allows users to engage in an interactive experience that simulates use of the product.
  • The technology takes online shopping to a new level. It allows businesses to shop from the comfort of their home and offices while taking the guess work out of whether they are buying a product that’s right for them.
Support Solutions
Once a client receives a product, it’s essential that they know exactly how to use it. Any miscommunications can cause them to return the product and form an unfavorable opinion of your company that will keep them from wanting to buy from you in the future. PinkSquare will help you provide customers with a wide range of support solutions including online 3D video tutorials, chatbots, FAQ sections on web sites and easy to reach customer reps.
3D Instruction Videos
When it comes to support solutions, 3D instructional videos may be your most effective tool. Once customers receive your product, they can consult these videos to get an unhampered view of exactly how your product works and all its functionalities. They can go at their own pace to start and stop the video breaking the information up into easily digestible chunks. The support offered in a 3D instructional video can make all the difference when it comes to the customer deciding to keep the product. It will also be a determining factor in their continued loyalty.
Post-Sales Marketing
Post sales marketing is essential in customer retention. There are several ways to keep them coming back.

  • After they have bought your product, keep in touch by sending emails advertising new product lines, discounts and personalized specials such as birthday freebies, etc. Send out newsletters with important information that pertains to your industry.
  • Loyalty programs that offer reduced prices after a certain number of sales can also be effective.

Once you receive your 3D animation video from PinkSquare you can start using it for your content marketing. To make your work easier we have come up with a couple of ideas on how to use your 3D animation. Below you can see what type of content, which channels, and what activities are our 3D animations suitable for to generate leads for your company. On this page, you can find also specific content examples.

Monthly Content Package


Original Content

3D Animation provides a great visual way to tell the whole story in a minimal amount of time. And when it comes to what you want to show, the possibilities are endless. It can be shared across a variety of channels.

Cut-down version

Video posted to social media is 10 to 20 times more likely to be shared than posts without video. A video optimized for social media will have more of a focus on engaging people in a short amount of time and driving leads as compared to one posted on a website.

Still Image

Video is more engaging than still images because they tell more of a story. However, still images still have their time and place and can be used in a variety of contexts.


While video offers both visual and audio elements, there are those who prefer reading. In addition to being more suited to scannability, text can also contain keywords and other SEO elements that can get your site to the top of search engines and it’s easy for readers to share.

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